The Three Wishes

If a genie appeared and gave me three wishes I would wish for infinite money, to be able to stop time, and to have a pocket dimension where I could pull anything out of it and go hangout inside of it. I would want infinite money so I could buy everything possible and could fund research so they could invent new things and find cures for different disease’s. I would want to be able to stop time so I could have more time to study and I could sleep for as long as I want without my mom waking me up for school. I would want a pocket dimension so I could store all the things I need in there and I could put anything in like an amusement park. I would also use it to pull anything out of existence for example if I was hungry I could pull out a pizza or if I needed a lightsaber for some reason I could get it. I would also use it for hanging out I could bring my friends in there and relax with them. Those are the three wishes I would wish for if a genie appeared in front of me.

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