My Hero

Somebody I look up to as my hero is my grandpa. I think my grandpa is my hero because he has taught me a lot of things. For example he taught me how to cook a lot of things like eggs, pizza, spaghetti and fried zucchini he also taught me how to garden and taught me about plant’s because he grows a lot of fruits and vegetables like grapes. he is also very funny and always makes me laugh. He also takes me and my brothers out to breakfast every time we spend the knight at his house. That is why my grandpa is my hero.


In 2024 I am going to focus on the word management. This year I would like to manage my time better for example. I want to spend time playing basketball for at least one hour and workout for at least thirty minutes. Then I will take my dogs out then do my homework after dinner from 6:30-7:30. This would help me get more exercise and not spend as much time playing video games or on my phone. I will also help my parents around the house with different things like the dishes and laundry. This would help me manage my time better, exercise more, have more time for homework and help around my family around the house more.

Rad Reading-December

This month I read The 57 Bus by Dashka Slater this story is about two kids one named Richard and a trans person named Sasha that ride the 57 bus to school and back. But while Richard and Sasha were coming home from school Richard decides Sasha’s skirt on fire burning them severally. And the court Richard went to was arguing if he should count as a juvenile or an adult for his sentence. After Richard set Sasha on fire everyone started hating Richard even his own friends. While Sasha was in the hospital she had to undergo lots of treatment to recover her burn scars and missing skin.

I like this book because it is a true story and tells the story from two points of view. I also like how the author describes the setting of the story and how they show the character traits without telling the reader what they’re feeling during that certain time in the story. My favorite character in the story is Richard because he changes and grows a lot through the story and learns from his mistakes he is also accepting for example when he said “I am not a thug, gangster, hoodlum, nor monster. Im a young African American male who’s made a terrible mistake. Not only did I hurt you but I hurt your family & friends and also my family & friends for I have brought shame to them and our country and I shall be punished which is going to be hard for me because I’m not made to be incarcerated.” this shows he is accepting because he didn’t deny what he did and he accepted that he needs to be punished.

one of my favorite quotes is “People have different habitats,” he explained. “Some people have it better than others. They grew up in good neighborhoods. Their family has jobs. They have good income. They don’t understand. Their life is so good, they think everybody’s life is good. They don’t understand the struggles people go through. I don’t know where you grew up at, if it’s like a low-income area, where there’s lots of violence and crime. But if you grew up in a low-income area and all you see is crime and drugs? If you have family that does crime? You see it. It has an impact on you. If you’re around it a lot, it’s hard to do good.” this is my favorite quote because it shows how the author relates to a certain group of people.