The Golden Banana Tree

After a long day of gathering food and escaping from predators the four monkeys were exhausted a tiger chased them back to their tree! But one monkey wasn’t tired he was actually excited because he found a golden banana tree while looking for food so he started dancing. But he didn’t want his monkey brothers to know about it, he wanted the bananas for himself! So when the other monkeys asked what he was dancing about he had to think about something else to say. So he said that he heard some birds chirping and was dancing to it and they believed him. Later that night he went back to the golden banana tree but all the bananas were gone! And he started hearing growling from the trees then a giant gorilla came out from the trees but he had a golden grown with a bright red ruby in the center glittering off the night sky. The gorilla explained that he was the king of a the gorillas and that tree was sacred to the gorillas. So the monkey left on his way home he heard something in the tall grass it was growling! Then a tiger pounced on him but missed. The monkey ran as fast as he could back to his tree with his monkey brothers but the tiger was gone but the monkeys heard the tigers breathing it was in the tree! As it was about to strike the gorilla came to their rescue and caught the tiger mid air and threw it back into the jungle. Then the gorilla king showed them to his kingdom it was a gold city! And it had a giant bell on top of a golden temple the gorilla king explained that it protected them from the tiger kingdom because they can’t stand loud sounds. After that the gorilla king told them to meet him in his throne room when they got their the king said he had something important to tell them. He told them that they have been appointed to be guards, but not just any guards royal guards! Their job was to protect the king from danger the monkeys accepted and got pained one hundred thousand bananas per year! they became rich and bought one of the biggest trees in the kingdom and lived protecting the king from all danger.


I am thankful for many things this year, but here are the top three things. My family, my friends, and my teachers. I am thankful for my family because they raised me and pay for everything I need and even things I don’t need so I am thankful for them. I am also thankful for my friends for making me laugh all the time and be happy and making me have a good time during hard times so I’m grateful that they are my friends. Finally I am thankful for my teachers for helping throughout the years and teaching me everything I need to know getting me to where I am now in school and in life. Without any of these people I don’t know where I’d be right now.

The Three Wishes

If a genie appeared and gave me three wishes I would wish for infinite money, to be able to stop time, and to have a pocket dimension where I could pull anything out of it and go hangout inside of it. I would want infinite money so I could buy everything possible and could fund research so they could invent new things and find cures for different disease’s. I would want to be able to stop time so I could have more time to study and I could sleep for as long as I want without my mom waking me up for school. I would want a pocket dimension so I could store all the things I need in there and I could put anything in like an amusement park. I would also use it to pull anything out of existence for example if I was hungry I could pull out a pizza or if I needed a lightsaber for some reason I could get it. I would also use it for hanging out I could bring my friends in there and relax with them. Those are the three wishes I would wish for if a genie appeared in front of me.

The Best Day!

It would be a dream to have a perfect day and it would go like this. I would wake up in a luxurious five-star hotel on the beach. There would be donuts waiting for me and my friends on the table and there would be lots of presents. Then we would go down to the beach and go in the water. After that we would go to an arcade and play lots of games. Then after it becomes night time we would go to a theme park and we would go on all the rides and we would get lots of food and treats. After that we would go to the movie theatre and watch scary movies and eat popcorn. Then when I get home I would find one-hundred billion dollars laying on my bed I would buy an expensive beach house that me and all my friends and family could live in.

Elon Musk For A Day

I would trade places with Elon Musk for many reasons. Elon Musk is one of the richest people in the world with his money I would do lots of things and buy lots of thing. For example I would go on a very expensive five star cruise with a personal chef and water park on it. I would go on it with my friends and family we would eat a massive breakfast prepared by the personal chef then go to the water park after that. We would go back to land and take a limo to Knott’s Scary Farm and go on all of the rides with no lines after we go on all the rides we would go to a five star restaurant with the best food in the world. After we eat all the food there we will buy the whole movie theater and watch all the movies possible. After we do that I will buy a mansion or two for all my friends including me and give them and my family one billion dollars then go to bed and wake up as myself in the morning.